I have really been neglecting this since I got involved in Facebook. The most amazing missing person I have discovered is my old friend Wanda whom I worked with at Woodies. We generally opened the restaurant together every morning and discussed all aspects of our lives, while making soup and setting up the line.
I had a mutiny of sorts going on in the end of my tenure, a coup by some disgruntled employees, that spread like a cancer through the the kitchen and Dining room making it impossible for me to manage. It was based on rumors and false accussations, threats of union involvement and my own lack of a strong mentor within the company. It took it's toll on me , and I eventually resigned. Wanda was one of the faithful who was loyal to the end. She stayed on through the next manager who succeeded in disposing of the white trash druggies who were causing the dissent.
I haven't heard from her for 20 years. It has been exciting to correspond with her again. We have both changed so much, and have so much to relay. It has made my week.