Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jim has gone up to Joell's for the day/night. She is having some minor reconstructive surgery done, and he is taking Max to his first Baseball game of the year.

I'm glad that he is getting more involved with the kids. They surely will benefit from his wit and personality, after all, he is still a boy at heart.

We spent most of last night over Betty's house, trying to salvage what was not put into storage. The contractor is ready to paint and put flooring down and wanted everything gone. It was an impossible task. We spent 4 + hours sorting out clothes to donate, things to save and making piles of boxes and bags. Dishes, and vases and lamps. Books and hats and pots and pans.

We were both drained, physically and emotionally when we got home.

We didn't even attempt to empty the closets. There are enough clothes, shoes and wigs to outfit a small 3 rd world country. I wish I knew someone who wore a size 6 1/2 shoe....I could make you Imelda Marcos overnight.

Maybe my friend Wanda ( sorry Clare, You'll always be Wanda to me) is right. She is working/studying in the Geriatric field and she says all she wants to do is live in a little trailer that she can haul around when she gets tired of one place, She's seen how much stuff old people accumulate over the years when she was cleaning houses. I know, it isn't pretty.

I had the same problem with My Mom's stuff. Making decisions about what was important and why she kept some things an not others. Thank goodness my Brother was able to be more objective.

In spite of all the hassle of the packing and dragging and sorting, I felt it was a bonding experience for Us.
I really love this new Jim who has become more responsible and caring.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Belated Birthday Blog

I can't believe how quickly time passes even though I have had moments in my life that I thought would never end, both good and bad.

So many routine days that now, looking back, are precious memories. Baby's first word or step, family dinners, Holiday Feasts. A best friend to see every day and confide in, a fun weekend with girlfriends, campouts, family vacations, PTA meetings, cookouts. Ordinary things that become extraordinary in my mind with the passing of years.

So many of these are lost when a relationship ends. Friends go one way or the other, families divide, responsibilites shift

The circle changes to accommodate a new job, or place, or a new partner .

Another family to meet, children to accept, friends you hope like you.

I am envious of my friends who have ridden the waves of marriage and are still together after many years and yes, there are a few
They have a common bond to lean on, being the parents of the same kids with the same values, experiences and expectations. There is a continuity to their lives that I have never experienced.

Family has always been my mainstay and now the top layers have all crumbled.

I am the Matriarch, my Brother the Patriarch and we each have our own little families.

I am now A Grandmother for the first time and it is wonderful.

Jim and I have been together for almost 15 years so we are writing our own continuing story
It is good.