I was listening to NPR the other day and I heard that sex without a condom is the new engagement ring...Hmmm.. if that is true I must have had more fiances' than I thought. Cheap bastards!!
I did have ring once, and it was quite beautiful and unusual. It was designed to fit together inside the wedding band.
I loved looking at it sparkling on my finger, even though I am self conscious of my nails, (or lack there of) . It was a reminder of the love we shared and the commitment we were hoping to make to one another. I returned it when I realized that the relationship was never going to work out and that Love wasn't enough to keep it together.
When Jim *proposed* to me he didn't present me with a ring. Believe it or not, he took me for a weekend to Chestertown MD. where he proceeded to purchase us burial lots in Old St Paul's Church Cemetery where his entire family has been interred for centuries. Talk about a long term commitment. And they say diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New Dentist
I think I have finally found a new dentist. My first appointment was yesterday. The office is in Berlin, MD. best known for the movie "Runaway Bride".
At the risk of sounding trite, it is a *sleepy* little town off of RT. 113, close to Ocean Pines and only 12 miles or so from home. The dental practice is inside an old brick building with a glass store front on a tree lined street with a brick sidewalk. I thought for a moment that I may have time traveled to Mayberry RFD, but once I stepped inside, alas, the TV mounted in the corner had on CNN (but not the sound,) and pleasant music from cirrius radio was playing. Pretty watercolor paintings. lined the walls with tiny price tags and large prices, mostly pictures of the town and some of the beach.
At any rate, I liked the hygienist and dentist very much and the initial consultation was at least $100 less than I had been paying, and that included some xrays. I was also fond of Dr. James, but her Bethany Beach prices were outrageous and her attitude the last time I saw her really ticked me off. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to make a change. I can't have my chipped tooth fixed until October so that is my fault.
Baby Wardell sent me a thank you note today. I was so excited to hear from him. He is looking forward to riding in his new pram which G POP Sanders and I sent him. I can't wait to see him sitting in it!!
BTW I really have to recommend the book I am reading once again. ANIMAL,VEGETABLE, MIRACLE. The more I get into it the more amazing it is to read about how our food is genetically engineered, even the seeds that we plant in our own gardens. The book is written as a story by the author, with more factual info inserted by her husband who is an environmentalist, and her daughter who comments on her reactions and observations to their life style changes. It is beyond eye opening.
At the risk of sounding trite, it is a *sleepy* little town off of RT. 113, close to Ocean Pines and only 12 miles or so from home. The dental practice is inside an old brick building with a glass store front on a tree lined street with a brick sidewalk. I thought for a moment that I may have time traveled to Mayberry RFD, but once I stepped inside, alas, the TV mounted in the corner had on CNN (but not the sound,) and pleasant music from cirrius radio was playing. Pretty watercolor paintings. lined the walls with tiny price tags and large prices, mostly pictures of the town and some of the beach.
At any rate, I liked the hygienist and dentist very much and the initial consultation was at least $100 less than I had been paying, and that included some xrays. I was also fond of Dr. James, but her Bethany Beach prices were outrageous and her attitude the last time I saw her really ticked me off. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to make a change. I can't have my chipped tooth fixed until October so that is my fault.
Baby Wardell sent me a thank you note today. I was so excited to hear from him. He is looking forward to riding in his new pram which G POP Sanders and I sent him. I can't wait to see him sitting in it!!
BTW I really have to recommend the book I am reading once again. ANIMAL,VEGETABLE, MIRACLE. The more I get into it the more amazing it is to read about how our food is genetically engineered, even the seeds that we plant in our own gardens. The book is written as a story by the author, with more factual info inserted by her husband who is an environmentalist, and her daughter who comments on her reactions and observations to their life style changes. It is beyond eye opening.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Missed Shot
I never seem to have my camera handy when a good shot becomes available. When we drove up to the house on Sunday night, Mouse and Lulu were sitting in the office window side by side, What they were looking at were at least 7 hummingbirds hovering over the four o clocks outside. The bright yellow and fuscia blooms really attract them, and as messy and pushy as the plants are, I love that they are sought out by the birds and the bees, and the butterflies. They only open at night, or at least when the sun is not bright so in the mornings when it is shady on the patio, they are very vibrant.
Charles finally got the lawn cut and weeded the veggie garden which was looking like a jungle. We've had some good luck with cukes and peppers, but the tomatoes are absolutely pitiful. We have a few eggplant that are doing OK. George was having the same problem with his garden except his tomatoes looked much better than ours. His garden is always so neat, all in rows.
I enjoyed sitting in their screened in porch where we had dinner and spent the evening. I wish we could put one where our porch is outside the TV room. I'm sure we would use it much more than the patio. It is so much closer to the kitchen, and no flies!!
I don't know what I am going to do today. I feel like sitting in the sun and reading, but there is always so much that needs to be done, cleaned, raked, weeded, cooked, washed etc. that I feel guilty. That's why vacations were invented, so that all the chores disappear from view. Hopefully we will find a way to get away this winter. I am looking forward to my trip to Atlanta and reading there, not to mention playing with the new baby. Last time I finished 2 books and started 1.
Speaking of books, my club starts up again in Sept. after the parking meters come down in Bethany. I haven't gotten far into the new book, ANIMAL,VEGETABLE , MIRACLE. So far it is quite eye opening and should inspire a lively discussion.
Charles finally got the lawn cut and weeded the veggie garden which was looking like a jungle. We've had some good luck with cukes and peppers, but the tomatoes are absolutely pitiful. We have a few eggplant that are doing OK. George was having the same problem with his garden except his tomatoes looked much better than ours. His garden is always so neat, all in rows.
I enjoyed sitting in their screened in porch where we had dinner and spent the evening. I wish we could put one where our porch is outside the TV room. I'm sure we would use it much more than the patio. It is so much closer to the kitchen, and no flies!!
I don't know what I am going to do today. I feel like sitting in the sun and reading, but there is always so much that needs to be done, cleaned, raked, weeded, cooked, washed etc. that I feel guilty. That's why vacations were invented, so that all the chores disappear from view. Hopefully we will find a way to get away this winter. I am looking forward to my trip to Atlanta and reading there, not to mention playing with the new baby. Last time I finished 2 books and started 1.
Speaking of books, my club starts up again in Sept. after the parking meters come down in Bethany. I haven't gotten far into the new book, ANIMAL,VEGETABLE
BTW, the Smithsonian trip, John Wilkes Boothe escape route, was sold out and David and I are really bummed. Sue has us on a wait list so there may be a chance if someone cancels.I was looking forward to it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We drove up to Baltimore to buy some tile for our kitchen/family area, and spent the weekend with our friends, George and Phyllis. As usual we had a delicious dinner, Salmon cooked on a cedar plank with a cucumber/dill sauce, rice pilaf with fresh veggies from the garden and sliced tomatoes. Jim and I took some peaches up for them...YES we went back to the orchard on Friday and picked some huge ones. They are the size of an Angelina's crabcake for those of you that know what that means. I made 7 jars of Jam and froze the rest for us.
G&P are going to visit us and bring their baby *Freebie* who is the biggest black lab I ever saw in my life. The photo is from a year ago. She's gotten bigger. We were laughing about how she is going to fit in their trailer when they take off for Fla. in the winter. I don't think they will have any room for guests!!

It took us forever to get home on sunday afternoon what with the Bay Bridge being closed and the usual beach traffic.We were both tired from the night before. We stayed up into the wee hours just talking and only had a few
hours sleep.
hours sleep.
The cats seemed to get along ok while we were away. It was Beau 's first time without his Mommy and the girls didn't do him in. He's such a pest to them most of the time. He's gotten so big, he looks like a miniature cat now, not a kitten.

I'm really loving the TV show Mad Men. That's how things were in those days. What a difference now. I remember when you could smoke anywhere, even in the hospital or Drs. office. At my first job, we all had ash trays on our desks . Amazing.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Beau had an appointment this morning and is now finished with his shots. He is a whopping 4+ pounds and
has that 12 # Mouse Cat on the run.
I told Dr. Jimmy that I think he found his *wee wee * already so we will be having him neutered in October when he is 6 months.
I made my plane reservations to Atlanta to be there for the Baby and the new family. I am looking forward to meeting my new Grandson. I'm sure he will be beautiful and smart. He can't miss!!
I've also made plans to accompany my Brother and his wife on a day trip to follow the Escape Route of John Wilkes Booth. I recently read MANHUNT, my book club choice for April, and found it so interesting that I actually tracked his path on a map of Md and VA. Apparently the Smithsonian sponsors an all day trip to do the same so we are going on Nov.8. I loaned David the book which he liked very much and he has been wanting to do the trip for years.
I Segundo's blog tmentioned me this morning . Thanks for the compliment. I will try not to embarrass you.:-
Our grass is really in need of cutting, but ever since Charles (our 75 year old gardener) got a DUI it has been a chore to get him over here. We both ride over to his place, Jim drives his truck over here and he does our lawn. Then he loads the riding mower onto the truck, Jim drives over to Betty's and he cuts hers. Then we do the whole thing in reverse. He's really slipping in the edging dept. these days. I don't think his vision is the best. It's difficult for us to manage all of this with Jim's treatment schedule and appointments If I could drive the truck it would help but it is a raggedy ass thing with a clutch that barely works. I don't know how much longer he will be without his license but I'm sure this summer will be over. Poor Charles
Beau had an appointment this morning and is now finished with his shots. He is a whopping 4+ pounds and
has that 12 # Mouse Cat on the run.
I told Dr. Jimmy that I think he found his *wee wee * already so we will be having him neutered in October when he is 6 months.
I made my plane reservations to Atlanta to be there for the Baby and the new family. I am looking forward to meeting my new Grandson. I'm sure he will be beautiful and smart. He can't miss!!
I've also made plans to accompany my Brother and his wife on a day trip to follow the Escape Route of John Wilkes Booth. I recently read MANHUNT, my book club choice for April, and found it so interesting that I actually tracked his path on a map of Md and VA. Apparently the Smithsonian sponsors an all day trip to do the same so we are going on Nov.8. I loaned David the book which he liked very much and he has been wanting to do the trip for years.
I Segundo's blog tmentioned me this morning . Thanks for the compliment. I will try not to embarrass you.:-
Our grass is really in need of cutting, but ever since Charles (our 75 year old gardener) got a DUI it has been a chore to get him over here. We both ride over to his place, Jim drives his truck over here and he does our lawn. Then he loads the riding mower onto the truck, Jim drives over to Betty's and he cuts hers. Then we do the whole thing in reverse. He's really slipping in the edging dept. these days. I don't think his vision is the best. It's difficult for us to manage all of this with Jim's treatment schedule and appointments If I could drive the truck it would help but it is a raggedy ass thing with a clutch that barely works. I don't know how much longer he will be without his license but I'm sure this summer will be over. Poor Charles
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friends and Peaches
I was having another one of those days again yesterday..the mirror one. I hated everything I saw, my hair, my smile, my entire profile. I was missing everyone , feeling alone and wishing I had more friends close by.
Then my cell phone rang and it was Diane, whom I haven't heard from in months. Later in the day Elaine whom I've known since I was 8 called from Florida. Later yet I had a call from Zak and I realized that I wasn't alone at all. Just far away....
Still, it is the first of August and summer is on the wane.
I finally got myself out of the house yesterday and drove to Bennett Orchards which is about 2 miles away. They had yellow freestone and white peaches ready so I picked half and half. Before I know it, I had 17 # Now I have my work cut out for me!! T $1 a lb. they are quite a bargain.
Bennetts is not open everyday. They post signs out on the road when they are open for picking, and if you call you can find out what section of the orchard is open.. They grow several kinds of peaches as well as nectarines. They also sell to most of the grocery stores and produce stands in the area but there is a wholesome feeling to picking your own.
Last year I made some preserves , a few cobblers and pies then froze the rest. That is the problem, they all ripen at once.
I was having another one of those days again yesterday..the mirror one. I hated everything I saw, my hair, my smile, my entire profile. I was missing everyone , feeling alone and wishing I had more friends close by.
Then my cell phone rang and it was Diane, whom I haven't heard from in months. Later in the day Elaine whom I've known since I was 8 called from Florida. Later yet I had a call from Zak and I realized that I wasn't alone at all. Just far away....
Still, it is the first of August and summer is on the wane.
I finally got myself out of the house yesterday and drove to Bennett Orchards which is about 2 miles away. They had yellow freestone and white peaches ready so I picked half and half. Before I know it, I had 17 # Now I have my work cut out for me!! T $1 a lb. they are quite a bargain.
Bennetts is not open everyday. They post signs out on the road when they are open for picking, and if you call you can find out what section of the orchard is open.. They grow several kinds of peaches as well as nectarines. They also sell to most of the grocery stores and produce stands in the area but there is a wholesome feeling to picking your own.
Last year I made some preserves , a few cobblers and pies then froze the rest. That is the problem, they all ripen at once.
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