Friday, August 1, 2008

Friends and Peaches

I was having another one of those days again yesterday..the mirror one. I hated everything I saw, my hair, my smile, my entire profile. I was missing everyone , feeling alone and wishing I had more friends close by.

Then my cell phone rang and it was Diane, whom I haven't heard from in months. Later in the day Elaine whom I've known since I was 8 called from Florida. Later yet I had a call from Zak and I realized that I wasn't alone at all. Just far away....

Still, it is the first of August and summer is on the wane.


I finally got myself out of the house yesterday and drove to Bennett Orchards which is about 2 miles away. They had yellow freestone and white peaches ready so I picked half and half. Before I know it, I had 17 # Now I have my work cut out for me!! T $1 a lb. they are quite a bargain.

Bennetts is not open everyday. They post signs out on the road when they are open for picking, and if you call you can find out what section of the orchard is open.. They grow several kinds of peaches as well as nectarines. They also sell to most of the grocery stores and produce stands in the area but there is a wholesome feeling to picking your own.

Last year I made some preserves , a few cobblers and pies then froze the rest. That is the problem, they all ripen at once.

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