Over all the Holiday went well.
I learned a lot of lessons from it.
What is important is that the family spent time together. Thank you Pru for joining us for dinner. It meant a lot to me and your Dad.
It doesn't matter that the tree is artificial, has no decorations, or that the lights blow out the circuit.
I don't have to bake 80 dozen cookies anymore. Most of the family is no longer in Kindergarten, and only a few still eat sweets.
The gift of time and energy is priceless. Thank you Segundo and Primo for helping to get the house in order, even if I was short with you for being distracted from my own tasks.
The best made plans don't always work out.
Sorry Primo that you missed your own Birthday Party with the larger family unit, but sick is sick and plan B worked well.
Musical Beds is a new game I learned.
It was fun having Paula visit and be a Ravens fan with Jim...Great house guest!
Christmas is still an emotional time for me...too many memories and expectations.
Speaking of which, most of what I anticipated mever happened like playing board games and having long philosophical discussions about the meaning of life.
I was disapponted that Max and Leo didn't get a chance to play with the "boys" in my life...who heard about the Beatles Rock Band and were just waiting for someone to open it. I'm sure they would have had fun together.
I was hoping to connect everything together but it really doesn't matter much anymore. Some things are not meant to be, and as hard as I try just seems to make it worse.
I truly enjoyed the quiet times when we talked about real issues. In retrospect it was a good thing that Segundo left and then returned, so that Primo and I had some alone time.
And, being a Mema is only going to get better and better...I Love You Gustav!!
Hey, Leslie.
I had a wonderful time! Thanks for being so hospitable! Sorry we didn't get a chance to play any board games or discuss the meaning of life, but just know that you are always welcome at my place for games and can call me anytime to talk - meaning of life or otherwise.
Tell Jim that I enjoyed watching the game with him and Zak. Ravens won today, so the season's not over yet. Fingers crossed!
You have a wonderful family and even though things may not always work out exactly as planned, maybe you can just take comfort in knowing that if it weren't for you, none of it would be. So, soak it in - good and bad - because all of that is what makes us appreciate life itself.
Now, let me go try and practice what I preach. Tight hugs and kisses!
Thanks Paula. I'm glad I'm not just talking to myself here :-).
Before Gabe and I got together, Christmas time was always loaded so that's why I decided to spend that time in Thailand. It can be a stressful time full of expectations, and it was in Thailand that I learned to just relax and be in the present with family.
My wish for you in 2010 is to nurture yourself and find what gives you purpose and pleasure. But sometimes you have to force yourself to do what is scary because it's the fear that awakens you. I do know that you are an extrovert and it energizes you when you are around other people so you may need to force yourself to leave the comfort zone of your house.
I'm listening to Jane Fonda's audio book, and she calls this period in her life "the third act" because the first two acts were just practice.
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