I guess last week was a bit of a let down for me after all the energy I put into the party. It truly was a huge success, but in my own nit picky way, I wish i had a do over to make it perfect, like doing a better job of keeping the food warm, and spending more time socializing.
Trust me, I had no complaints from the gallery and even though Jim came home early, and saw the preparations going on, when the guests started to arrive he was literally stunned.
Our old friends, Jody and Scott came to celebrate and that made us both very happy. We were once very close to them and though I don't expect that to ever be a reality again, we enjoyed seeing them, had lots of laughs about the past, and even did lunch with them last Friday. I see us spending more time with them.
I think Jim was pleased with my efforts as he gave me an unsolicited kiss and said, "That was cool". Coming from him, a compliment is a major achievement.
On the other hand, last week was our victory in Washington, but the party of NO has been disturbing me with their acceptance of the hateful rhetoric being bandied about, and their steadfast resolution to stick together and say nothing.
When I saw McCain with Sarah Palin in her leather jacket I could not believe it.I swear, all I could see was W waving fom that carrier with his banner.
I did, at one time, have a great deal of respect for McCain even when my Brother (a Julianni man) said he was a "frail little man".
When he made her his running mate I could barely keep a straight face. I cannot believe that real Republicans condoned this, but wait...I got into an e mail argument with my big brother about this very thing yesterday and he defended her., "She ran a very large state"..and also condoned this "Tea party" whatever it is movement, casting disparaging remarks about Obama and his "Pal", William Ayers being terrorists?? I am almost certain that he is one of the "Birthers" and cannot believe how "Barry" Obama got such a good education.
Hello...has he been drinking from the Koolade well? Does he realize that his 2 nephews went to some of the finest schools, not only in this country, but in the World, one has a PhD. and that I never earned more that $26,000
This has been so distressing for me that I have had to get off of politics for now. I have not been sleeping well because I take it all too personally, but I pride myself on being grateful for what I have, and my compassion for those who don't. I don't judge others by the depth of their pockets or their strange name or different color.
This may not be the health bill we wanted, but it is the one we got, and it is not an end, it is a beginning, and I am proud of My country , my President and his F@#%ing Vice President. It is about time.
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