Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday/Funday...not especially...but productive....
I have spent much of the day washing slipcovers and IRONING them preparation for my family room just off the kitchen which has been painted and waiting for coat 2 on one wall and baseboard paint all around.
 Then we start on the kitchen which also needs a color change and some new back splash tile behind the range and sink area.
 It will create a real face lift to the room and since i spend so much time in here it is worth the effort and give me a feeling of moving forward in my life.
 I am also starting Pulmonary Rehab on Tuesday and am looking forward to all the positive changes it may promise....

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday's been a Cave kind of week ie one where I am happy when it is raining to help justify my isolation....doing bits and pieces of house on a cooking tear the other day so that amused me.
I went to BJ's and that was exhausting,,,all that walking was good for me but left me tired.
Bad news from Sue,,,she has breast cancer and is starting Chemo heart is with her and my brother...she has always been there for me.
 I need to pick up my prescriptions today so that is my big chore...fighting the traffic to Ocean View and back on a Friday in August...
 I have been reading a lot so my concentration is improving and I am getting the hang of the portable going out isn't as much of an ordeal...especially if there is a cart to hold on to.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Busy week last week..The Boys came to  Zak, Gabe and Gustav...It was a treat to see them..they gave me a heads up a few weeks ago so I was somewhat prepared.
 All went well except that a had a fall at my Brothers house in Annapolis which left me with a fat lip and a chipped tooth.
 My balance is not good and lugging oxygen along with my purse is a burden. I confess I had some wine but it was such a fun evening until the crash.
 I am OK actually ...I still have a PT coming this week and we have been working on balance and it was my own fault to not have my cane with me as he suggested I use outside.
  I saw my Pulmonologist on Monday and he was pleased with the results of the procedure that bonded the pleural sac to my lung. My lower right lobe is not functional at all...which is still better than the surgery option which would have take out the middle lobe as well.
 I am breathing better but am on O2 24-7...
 I met up with some friends from High School yesterday for lunch..., my boyfriend Paul, his now wife Patty and Billy Regner.
 I was disappointed that Mary Ellen didn't show up :-(
 She was my crazy girlfriend in the 'Hood...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday morning....I know better than to leave the house today due to traffic.
Check out/in Day...primo vacation weeks....
 Saw the surgeon yesterday and had the wire stitches removed from the chest tubes ...ouch.
Looking forward to a shower today.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It is July 23. I have been home from the hospital for 11 days.
Long story short, I went in as an outpatient for another Thoracentesis which is the procedure that drains the fluid from the pleural sac surrounding the lung. This was the 3rd time I've needed since I returned to DE in November,
Once again the Pulmonologist drained  1 1/2  liters. As normal procedure requires I am given a quick chest X Ray to determine there is no damage to the lung.
 Well, the lung had collapsed and as a precaution I was kept overnight.I was also referred to a surgeon to perform another procedure, under sedation, called a Pleurodesis which involves placing a powdery substance into the pleural space causing the space to close.
 I then had 2 chest tubes placed on my right side to drain any remaining fluid which took several days.
I was completely bed confined until they were finally removed,
 The pain was controlled and I slept a lot.
The hospital procedure was the usual chaos...portable Xray at 6 AM followed by numerous visits by the hospitalist, respiratory therapy, breakfast with NO REAL COFFEE.....etc etc etc.
 I had a spin with the PT who is actually retired from Beebe but I knew him from Milford Rehab and Out patient therapy when i was recovering from knee surgery.
 Peg and Dot and Dot's sister came to visit several times a well a giving me a ride home.
I am feeling better and stronger...have a nurse coming in 2X for vitals and PT.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter weekend...
Dave and Sue invited me to Annapolis to spend the weekend but I declined.
 I am feeling anxious and more afraid than I've ever felt in my life.
 I realize that this COPD is an illness as serious as Cancer and as, if not more debilitating.
 I ran some errands before my luncheon last week and I could barely make it into the restaurant with my shortness of breath and had to lean on the table to even speak...
 I now have a nebulizer, 2  inhalers and a rescue inhaler,,they all have side effects..
Going for a PT/CT scan on Monday...Pulmonary Function  test on  Thursday.....XXX

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What a rough week I have had.....actually this entire month has been stressful and disturbing starting with Barry's death. Even though it was anticipated, it still rocked my world...tons of memories flooding back into my head....
 Then there is the fiasco of selling the house in Baltimore. I sent a check to the contractor REGISTERED MAIL through the USPS and it somehow got lost and took over 10 days to be delivered and held up the settlement date.
 I had to drive to Kent Island this week to cash in some CD's at First National Bank bank which had bought out Baltimore Co S&L as well as the Annapolis Bank.
My bank questioned the deposit even though I had 2 cashiers checks ....
 Since the contractor would not sign off on the repairs, I tried to wire transfer funds into his bank but the routing # was not accepted by my bank so I had to make a cash withdraw and make a deposit into his bank which had a nearby branch.
 Meanwhile, I was trying to get some settlement papers notarized at my bank and the notary noticed that my Drivers license had expired on the 5th, my Birthday. SOOO....I came home to get my passport and since I knew she was leaving for an hour lunch, I decided to drive up to Georgetown and renew my license...which I did.
So I got the papers notarized and rather than entrust the USPO again, I Fed Exed them to the settlement officer which cost me $32....
It's required a lot of push ups on my part and every step has been an ordeal...and costly $$$
 Then it occurred to me that I have been losing all the constants in my life....Jim, my own health , Barry and now our old home which we bought in 1971.
.I cannot face any more drama at this point..I am feeling so fragile and sad..totally sapped of joy and full of fear...I've never felt so alone in my life ....

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What a long strange trip it has been...
 Barry died 2 weeks ago..marking the end of an era in my life. was a surreal experience to spend time with his family and old friends after so many years of estrangement..
 I have actually  been feeling somewhat melancholy lately since Gabe and I did the STORY CORP interview in January....and all those memories came flooding into me at the funeral home
 My heart is broken again. I have lost the 2 most significant men in my life besides my Dad .and my Sons have lost their Father ...
  In my nostalgia I am remembering a robust Barry, defiant and rough.....we were still children when we met....even though we thought we knew everything  there was to know..He was 21 and I was 18 when we  got married. Neither of us had a direction or any encouragement to advance and i guess we were just grateful that we found one another at that particular moment.
We loved each other.... wasn't that enough? Also my best friend recently had "had" to get married and it seemed to be the way to go in my romantic mind.
Barry had that James Dean attitude and look about one point we had 2 motorcycles and a car and I had not yet learned how to drive,
When he finally got a decent paying job at Coca Cola through my BF's father he somehow managed  mess that up....walking out without notice because the Union failed to pass....only thinking of himself and not as  a married man..
 Yet he was the same person who put love notes in my lunch when he packed it...and came and picked me up I had finished my shift at BIG BOY restaurant to take me to see DR ZHIVAGO even though he had just left the theater.....a 4 hour movie....and was always showing me new places/things I had never experienced.
 When we were "evicted" from our apartment on Mary Ave  and relocated in Hillendale we were inundated with roaches...he put on a faux fur hat I had...looked like something  that Papa John Phillips had worn,  and declared war on the roaches....this was of course around the time of Sgt Pepper....
We had a lot of fun , saw a lot of movies , met some great people and stayed together for 14 years but after the kids arrived I was looking for more stability and responsibility ....I continued to grow and Barry was just stuck or stoned in his own reality of life.
 Pot was good for him because it made him mellow...alcohol made him abusive and sometimes violent..He had a good ear for music and really missed his calling there.
 He lived like a gypsy after we split up ... pre cell phones and no permanent address.
 I needed to contact him when Zak became ill,so I drove up and down Broadway looking for him. Luckily the first man I stopped and asked told me that he was in his apartment. I warily followed him into the building thinking i was going to be attacked, raped and left for dead...but there was Barry in the living room . The man was his friend Bruce, a former psychiatric nurse (and patient)
 From that point on we kept in touch,
  It was truly a blessing when Barry met Sheryl. He definitely need someone in his life to love  and be be loved by. She became a part of our family as well and it was painful and sad when she became ill and died.
 Sheryl and Barry came to my Wedding to Jim....he spent time here in my house after she was gone...Jim and he were friends and now they are both gone...../