Saturday, March 14, 2015

What a rough week I have had.....actually this entire month has been stressful and disturbing starting with Barry's death. Even though it was anticipated, it still rocked my world...tons of memories flooding back into my head....
 Then there is the fiasco of selling the house in Baltimore. I sent a check to the contractor REGISTERED MAIL through the USPS and it somehow got lost and took over 10 days to be delivered and held up the settlement date.
 I had to drive to Kent Island this week to cash in some CD's at First National Bank bank which had bought out Baltimore Co S&L as well as the Annapolis Bank.
My bank questioned the deposit even though I had 2 cashiers checks ....
 Since the contractor would not sign off on the repairs, I tried to wire transfer funds into his bank but the routing # was not accepted by my bank so I had to make a cash withdraw and make a deposit into his bank which had a nearby branch.
 Meanwhile, I was trying to get some settlement papers notarized at my bank and the notary noticed that my Drivers license had expired on the 5th, my Birthday. SOOO....I came home to get my passport and since I knew she was leaving for an hour lunch, I decided to drive up to Georgetown and renew my license...which I did.
So I got the papers notarized and rather than entrust the USPO again, I Fed Exed them to the settlement officer which cost me $32....
It's required a lot of push ups on my part and every step has been an ordeal...and costly $$$
 Then it occurred to me that I have been losing all the constants in my life....Jim, my own health , Barry and now our old home which we bought in 1971.
.I cannot face any more drama at this point..I am feeling so fragile and sad..totally sapped of joy and full of fear...I've never felt so alone in my life ....

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