Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jim and his Birthday

I wanted to do something nice for Jim's Birthday this year without spending a ton of money. I actually earned $200 last weekend working the Food Show, so I have decided to have a "Cocktail Party" here at the house to celebrate.
I have already made some mini quiches, spanikopita and meatballs with red sauce.
I made a major trip to BJ's for a corned beef flat and Italian Sausage which I have stashed in the outside fridge. So far he hasn't been suspicious even though i have been cleaning up the chafing dishes and washing glasses like crazy.
Th hardest part is , as usual, cleaning up the dining room and living room. The Christmas tree is still sitting in the box to go outside, and I have a load for the Goodwill to go today.
I am also going to finish up the shopping,so I have it all under roof. Prudence is off all day Thursday, so she volunteered to assist.
Joell, however declined the invitation and then called Jim and invited him to lunch that day in Dover.I am trying to look at this as a good thing, not an act of sabotage.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I hope you have a great party. I'm sure Jimmy will just love having everybody around. Tell him Happy Birthday from me.