Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am feeling more and more like Andy Rooney every day.
I found an old newspaper ad from 2001 for canned tuna ...3 cans for $1, OK, it wasn't for white albacore or anything like that but now you find the same product on sale, sometimes, at 2 for $1.
The difference is that the cans are significantly smaller, can barely make 1 sandwich
Same with Ice cream...there are no longer 1/2 gallons , even though they are giving the consumer the image and run frequent sales to give the illusion of savings, even though most of us shy away from this, ( although it is a treat, and purchased sparingly in my household.
So, I received my Medicare card last week. i am of the generation who payed in on every paycheck I ever received. I don't consider this an entitlement, I see it as money I contributed towards a secure future.
I'll see how it works starting tomorrow!!

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