Wednesday, February 13, 2013


OK, I have crocus blooming, daffodils pushing up and signs of spring everywhere But Where is the Sun?
It has been so dismally gray here, cold, then warm, snow then rain...but no Sun. It is really depressing.
 Maybe it is the let down after the Ravens Victory, packing away the purple gear for next year, I don't know.
 It's not that I am not hopeful.... I am just sooo tired of winter....the hospitals...the never ending insurance forms and bills....the daily responsibility for everything... taking trash out.... buying cat litter boxes....remembering to buy gas...driving to Salisbury 3 X weekly..... paying bills and laundry etc. etc. etc.
 On top of all of that crap, the refrigerator is being replaced today, an unplanned expense, Mediacom still hasn't gotten my digital signal right yet since i moved the box.., my notebook computer ...won't boot up and I am frustrated by the staleness of my life......

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