Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true. Gina cannot take the pool because her Mother is afraid for the little kids who are always at her house. Oh well, at least I got it partially drained and ready to empty.and roll up.
 I also saw the 4 little kids with the "lawn service" and got them started weeding the front yard. They are coming back tomorrow with a rotor tiller to finish up. They are all very nice and polite, around 12 years old, but are way too disorganized. I tried to give them some direction, but they get so distracted by the smallest thing.
 I told them I would pay them $40 for both sides down to the dirt and weeds hauled away and swept up..
In my opinion that is a good deal. The leader is a real hustler but his brother is into riding on the tractor and little else. He may be on his way out of the deal....
 Also, the old grill is gone. Rolled it to the curb and 2 men picked it up around 6 last night.
 Now hoping that Jim gets interested in the new grill. I hope i didn't waste the money on it,...I wasn't cheap..

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