Friday, July 11, 2008

Tagged By Trin Question 1


I have been tagged by Trin to answer 10 questions on my Blog. I am requesting that she do the same :-).

Question 1: 5 random facts/habits about yourself

Hmmm...... Those I am willing to reveal...

1. I once was good friends with Pat Moran and she cast me in Female Trouble. I also went to high school with David Lochary, one of John Water's main players who died young, and it was at my house, my birthday party, that he asked Joann Neuman to go steady in the 6 th grade. Obviously it was before he came out, but a wise choice as she was very smart and class president all the way through high school.

2. I was only 18 when I married Barry, but one night he took me to Leon's. (Famous Gay Bar in Baltimore) I was wearing high black boots and a cape, my hair cut short and I got served using his driver's license. I also got stoned for the first time outside on the parking lot, and couldn't stop laughing.

3. I always talk to strangers on the street, in the store etc. I truly think everyone has a story to tell and if not, I make one up. is amazing what you can learn.

4. My friend Debbie and I danced topless on a bar one night, but no one was there. It was after hours, and the owner had passed out . I'll bet that one gotcha!!!

5. I worked for Johnny Unitas' Golden Arm for 7 years and got so excited one day when he was having lunch with Brooks Robinson that I sent a *casual *acquaintence to my house with my keys to grab a picuture of Brooks off the LR wall for him to autograph. I met many Colts over the years and due to my relationship with Rocky we socialized in that circle, but Brooks.. he was my hero.


The Wardells said...

Topless??!!! Baby Wardell may end up sharing that one day at Show and Tell!

Zak said...

Remember the saying, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"?

Laura Beth Perdue said...

wow, what a family you married into Trin...